Monday, July 24, 2006

So I'm using this study tool for GSK that was done in HTML.
Unfortunatly you have to guess what way they want the answer.
For instance on one page they might want 10 cm. On the next question of the
same type they might want 0.14m, the next one might have to be answered .3 m.
To figure out if I answered the question right or not I have to view the source and then figure out where the answer would be. Talk about annoying.

On top of that sometimes they get the answer wrong! Great stuff.


sjwhidden said...

either it's too late at night or i am doomed to be a math retard forever but that stuff made my head hurt and my eyes cross.

Damon Cooke said...

I'd have to show you it. It's nasty. I can't wait to do Astro Nav. That's going to be fun. 3d trig, oh boy. I'm too old for this shit!